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Psychic Psearch - How to Buy It

Buying Psychic Psearch is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Download, install and test Psychic Psearch to be sure it meets your needs.
  2. Send an email to with your Company name, address, phone and contact information. In the email tell us how many "Base" systems you need (where the searches get generated) and how many "Execution" systems you need (where they will run) and what Funds type you prefer to pay in (U.S. or Canadian). We will send you an invoice and two copies of the license agreement by return email.
  3. Have both copies of the license agreement signed and returned to us by courier along with your payment. We will return to you one of the signed copies of this agreement and the license key(s) you'll need to disable the time out mechanisms embedded in the software.

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